Happy New Year

Any transition time is special and in its own way mystical, whether it be a change in the phase of the moon or a change from the season of thunderstorms to the harvest season. But now we are witnessing the brightest of all – when the firmament has made its full revolution and the last number on our calendar will change . Some people believe that evil spirits are raging at this time, some burn pieces of paper with written desires and others drown it in a glass of champagne. It is at such moments that one remembers how fleeting our life is and how important it is to appreciate every positive moment. Call your relatives, please them and remember that the family is the most valuable thing we have.

Do not carry old grievances and worries in the New Year, let only good things remain in it. Happy New Year everyone!

Best regards,

Tribal development team.

Date : 31 12 2021 Tribal development team

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