
Hello! We’re here today because we’d like to give out some information regarding the demo version of Tribal, which will be released at the same time as our crowdfunding campaign. Within our demo we’re going to tell you a story revolving around a crew of 5 characters

Date : 15 11 2021

New team member

Hi! We were silent and did not release any updates for a while and we’re sorry for that. Most of our team members were on vacation in September and very little progress was made. But we have some good news!

Date : 16 10 2021

Dev diary: production process of the story trailer

Hey! We recently released our first video, introducing the game’s lore. If you have not seen it, here is it

Date : 16 09 2021

Our first video

Hello everyone! Today we are proud to present our first video that brings more clarity to the lore of the game

Date : 11 09 2021

Steam page release

Ladies and gentlemen, we did it! Tribal is now on Steam! You can add the game to your wishlist and we will be able to direct everyone to our store page, instead of the website or social media.We will add more materials to the page and our next step will be the release of a promo video introducing the game’s lore, don’t miss it! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1531170/Tribal

Date : 30 08 2021

Getting ideas from Thronebreaker

If you take a look at Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales, you might think that we mostly used this game as a reference for our art style. But none of that would be true. Thronebreaker was released at the end of 2018

Date : 23 07 2021